Exodus 3

“And after you went over to talk to the bush, what did it tell you?”
“It told me to take off my shoes.”
“Why do you suppose the bush wanted you barefoot?”
“I know what you’re thinkin’ doc, but I ain’t making’ this up!”
Moses must have had quite a time of it, trying to persuade the people of Israel that his private, mystical vision in the wilderness was not some wild tale borne of dehydration.
In Exodus 1, we observed God’s concern for the obscure figure in history–the slave. In Exodus 2, we noted that history is, nonetheless, moved forward by the impetus of “great men,” who are often themselves possessed by strong internal drives. Now, in Exodus 3, we see the need for such “great men” to share their vision in order to motivate the masses. To this end, the God of Sinai confers upon Moses three signs. These signs have an initial but rapidly diminishing effect.
The Jews of Jesus’ day demanded of him signs, to which he declined, prompting us to ponder the question, “Why is it that signs so often prove insufficient for inspiring lasting change?”
©2020 Joel Picard